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Benefits of Opting for LED Lights

Benefits of Opting for LED Lights

Small changes in your home can save you a lot of stress, time, and money. A switch to LED lights is a step in the right direction. Wondering why? If so, keep reading to find out the main benefits of LED lights.

What’s So Special About LED Lights?

Wondering how LED light bulbs are better than incandescent bulbs? Here are 7 compelling reasons to switch to LED lights.

  • Led Lights Save Energy

 LED light bulbs consume 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs on average. Considering the fact that lighting accounts for roughly 10% of a home’s energy usage, switching to LED can save you a considerable sum every year.   

  • Led Lights Last Longer

One of the biggest advantages of using LED lights is that they have a much longer lifespan compared to traditional bulbs.  So, if you are not a big fan of having to replace to light bulbs every few months, hop on to the LED bandwagon without a second thought.

When it comes to longevity, incandescent bulbs are no match to LED light bulbs. Generally speaking, incandescent bulbs don’t last for more than a year (their average lifespan is 1,000 hours). And often, they go kaput on you when you least expect it to happen or when it is most inconvenient.  Moreover, replacing bulbs, particularly those that are installed in hard-to-reach corners is quite a task.

If you switch to LED light bulbs, you won’t have to worry about switching bulbs every few months. That’s because they are built to last a long time. LED light bulbs can easily last 25,000 to 30,000 hours (if not more). That means you won’t have to worry about replacing them for several years.

To put things in perspective, LED light bulbs on average last 30 times longer than incandescent bulb.

  • Led Lights Produce Less Heat

Anyone who has used incandescent bulbs heat up very fast. This happens because they waste 70% to 80% energy they consume as heat. Since LED light bulbs are far more energy efficient, converting 80% of energy they consume to light, you won’t encounter such problems with them.

However, keep in mind that LED light bulbs do generate heat. Anything that consumes electricity does that, so that is not something to be surprised about. The good part is that LED light bulbs produce just a fraction of heat produced by incandescent bulbs.

  • Led Lights are good for the Environment

When it comes to doing your bit for the environment, small actions can make a telling difference. Take, for instance, the lighting in your home. Did you know switching to LED light bulbs can help you reduce your carbon footprint considerably?

One of the main benefits of LED lighting technology is that it is environmentally friendly. Incandescent and other traditional bulbs use toxic materials—but not LED light bulbs. Because they are free of toxic materials, they are good for the environment, as well as for your family.

LED light bulbs don’t contain mercury, which is present in traditional bulbs. As you may know, mercury is a toxic element and exposure to it can be very harmful. Since there’s no mercury in LED light bulbs, disposing them is not a problem. Also, LED light bulbs use less energy, which augurs well for our already-fragile environment.  

Now that you know the benefits of LED lighting on the environment, it’s time you embrace it wholeheartedly.

  • Led Lights come in a range of Colours

LED light bulbs have different colour temperatures. This allows for more efficient lighting in different areas of your home. Colour temperature is measured in Kelvin, with lower numbers meaning more yellow light and higher Kelvin numbers meaning bluer and cooler light.

Light colour is a personal choice. "Cool white" or "natural white" LED bulbs are great for ambient lighting. "Daylight" LED bulbs work well for bedside reading lamps. When shopping for LED light bulbs, also pay close attention to the Colour Rendering Index (CRI) rating, measured on a scale of 1-100. The CRI rating measures how well a light source shows object colours. Higher CRI ratings are better, with experts recommending users to stay away from LED light bulbs that have a CRI rating of less than 90. You should always buy bulbs with a CRI rating of 90 or above.

  • Led Lights Save Money

While it’s true LED light bulbs have a higher upfront cost than other types of bulbs, it is equally true that using LED light bulbs saves you money in the long run.

Because LED light bulbs last much longer than other bulbs, they turn out to very cost-effective in the long run. That said, the cost of light bulbs is not the only thing you should consider when assessing your lighting costs. One key factor that you should take into account is the amount of electricity bulbs consume. When it come energy efficiency, LED light bulbs are miles ahead of the rest. Research shows that LED light bulbs consume up to 85% less energy than incandescent bulbs.

For instance, a traditional 75 W bulb requires 75W to produce 1100 lumens. The annual cost of running it is roughly $23. In comparison, a LED bulb requires only 6W to produce the same amount of light and the annual cost of running it is just $5. So, if you use 20 bulbs in your house, replacing all of them with LEDs will save you $100 every year.

What are the Benefits of LED Lights?

Here’s a recap of the main LED benefits:

  • LED lights have a longer lifespan. You can expect an LED light bulb to last up to 25,000 to 30,000 hours. Some LED light bulbs last even longer, up to 50,000 hours.
  • LED lights are more energy efficient. They consume 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs. By replacing all incandescent bulbs with LEDs, you can save a considerable sum every year.
  • LED lights are safe than other options. Compared to incandescent light bulbs, which have filament that heats up, LED light bulbs consume less energy and stay cool to touch. Because they don’t heat up as much as incandescent bulbs, LED light bulbs pose less of a fire hazard.
  • LED lights are eco-friendly. This is so because they don’t contain mercury and consume far less energy compared to other light bulbs.
  • LED lights are sturdier than other types of light. LED light bulbs last much longer than other bulbs. For example, a quality LED light bulb can easily last up to 5 times longer than a CFL and 20 times longer than an incandescent bulb.
  • LED lights are more flexible when it comes to design. Because LED light bulbs are small and available in different designs and colour temperatures, they are very adaptable to different lighting applications. You can configure them in any number of ways to match the lighting and aesthetic needs of different indoor spaces.


LED light bulbs offer many benefits. Some of the main LED advantages include a longer lifespan, lower energy usage, and greater flexibility. LED lighting is also more environmentally friendly and can considerably reduce your lighting bill. Given these benefits, you should strongly consider switching to them as soon as possible.